Barrie Mortgage Agent
Seniors Issues
Mortgage Agent, Level 2. Brokerage 10801
Elder Planning Counselor
Certified Equifax Credit Professional
Certified Reverse Mortgage Specialist

Recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal - Civilian Division
I am 1 of 150 Canadians recognized as a Difference Maker by the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health as a champion for mental health awareness in the public safety sector
Recipient of an Honourary Bachelors Degree in Applied Studies from Humber College Institute of Technology and Applied Learning.
Nominee for the Premier's Award for Outstanding Ontario College Graduates
Keynote Speaker, Heroes Are Human 2014 Canadian Tour visiting forty-seven Canadian cities
Recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award Intercultural Dialogue Institute
Featured in "A Quiet Courage: Inspiring Stories From All of Us". Author, Paula Todd
Featured in "The Price We Pay: Stories of Adversity, Heroism, and Healing".
Author: Janice Landry -
Featured in "The Other Side of the Hero" documentary
Featured in the "After the Sirens" documentary
Vaughan Business Achievement Award: Charity of the year
Recipient of the Victorian Ambulance Recognition Award for introducing MANERS Psychological First Aid to Canada
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation Crisis Response Leadership Award
Member, York Region Critical Incident Stress Team
Founder, the Tema Conter Memorial Trust
Professor, Seneca College, School of Public Safety
President, The Kleinburg Wealth Management Group Ltd.
Branch Manager, Manulife Securities International Ltd.
Member, Toronto Paramedic Services Peer Support Team
Paramedic, Toronto Paramedic Services
Emergency Medical Dispatcher, Toronto Paramedic Services
Founder of the First Responders Trauma Prevention and Recovery Certificate program at Simon Fraser University
Member of the Canadian Standards Association Psychological Health and Safety for the Paramedic Community committee
Advisor to Peer Support Accreditation and Certification Canada
Developed evidence-informed 2-day curriculum for MANERS Psychological
First Aid -
Developed evidence-informed Trauma Mitigation and Peer Support training program
Developed evidence-informed peer-team selection process
Consultant to "The Other Side of the Hero" documentary
Founder of Common Threads Annual Educational Conferences specifically designed for public safety and military personnel
Founder of the Tema Conter Memorial Trust Scholarship program
Founder of TEMA's Peer Support and Family Assistance program
Founder of the 2014 Heroes Are Human PTSD Canada Tour
Catalyst for " A Preliminary Inventory of Critical Incident Trauma Intervention Capabilities within the Province of Ontario" in partnership with Emergency Management Ontario and York University
Catalyst for Mental Health Research in collaboration with Toronto Paramedic Services, Mt. Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Ryerson University, and Sunnybrook Centre for Prehospital Medicine
Catalyst for the Mental Health Support Fund in partnership with
Wounded Warriors Canada -
Catalyst for recording and reporting public safety and military suicide
rates in Canada -
Catalyst for establishing TEMA's Mental Health Referral program
Catalyst for TEMA's "You Are Not Alone" Suicide awareness campaign
Catalyst for TEMA's "Define a Hero" awareness campaign
Catalyst for TEMA's "A Typical Night" awareness campaign"
Catalyst for TEMA's "Kids" awareness campaign
Catalyst for TEMA's "Hands" awareness campaign